Sunday, October 23, 2011


     I have received the comments and feedback from two Peer Reviewers, unfortunately most of them are "NO". This is the first rough draft, there are many parts needed to improve. From beginning, I have spent much time on thinking how to organize ideas and put them into paper, so I did not have enough time to complete it, thus I have to find a title and add a conclusion to it. Because it is the first draft, I could not control ideas clearly, I just gather the points and quotations from the book but I did not organize them well. Another point, my paper argument was not well-organized with TEA paragraphs and Quote Sandwiches. As a result, there are a lot of works I need to get fixed. First, I have to re-read my draft over and over again to find what I have to work out and/or to improve. Then, I have to rewrite and edit most of paragraphs in order to make my paper clearly so readers would understand what I have tried to focus on my paper.

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